1. Our first unit of Social Studies was on community and being a citizen. We learned that citizens are good sports, are respectful, are responsible, follow rules and play fair. Light-bulbs went on and students made the connection that if you are a good citizen then you are showing kindness. My light-bulb went on and we made the Citizenship Chain to show ways that we are being a good citizen.
3.For our class meeting, we start off with a Compliment Circle ( shout out to ourelemntarylives.com).
We sit in a circle with our legs stretched out in front of us. I generally start by giving a student a compliment to model what compliments sound like. That person who received the compliment, says thank you and tucks their legs to their chin. That person then gives someone else a compliment and that person says thank you and tucks their legs and so on. If your legs are stretched out, you still need a compliment.We continue until everyone has received a compliment and their legs are tucked. What a great way to start the day!

I'm sure my kindness folder will grow throughout the year as well as the kindness in my classroom.

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