This year, we have already started building those strong relationships in the classroom. We have worked together to accomplish challenging tasks and we have encouraged one another to be brave and take risks! One challenge the kids worked on together was called "Rabbit Hole." They each had their own cone that they had to place strategically on the ground to hold up the hula hoop. They worked together and talked about where to place the cones so that it would work. Once they got the hula hoop balanced on the cones, they all had to get inside without knocking it down. They cheered each other on and posed for a picture when they all got in!
Another way we build relationships in the classroom is to get to know our classmates on a deeper level. We do a lot of teambuilding activities to get to know each other and to find similarities among us. One teambuilder we did involved rolling the dice and talking about our favorite things. It was cool to see so many things they have in common!

We will continue to develop these relationships as the year progresses. It is so important for these kids to learn at an early age how important teamwork and collaboration truly is. Learning these skills is a huge part of our SEL plan.

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