Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Building Lasting Relationships

A while back, the student council sponsored twin day at our school. The students came in, some dressed in the exact same outfit, while others just went with the same scheme, or color. It was so great to see how many students were participating in a fun, themed school day.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about the day was how many students decided that they weren't just going to be twins, they were going to be triplets and quadruplets and small groups of "twins." This is a wonderful and truthful testament to the work we have done at this school to build relationships with and between students. They didn't want anyone to be left out and often found unlikely similarities in their classmates so that they would all feel included.

Even the staff was taking part in the days festivities. My great friend and colleague Mrs. Weber and I always dress as twins on this day and, without planning, we often do on other days as well. She has been the greatest teaching partner I could have ever asked for and the community of this school is what brought us together. We support each other through the good times and the more challenging.

This school is full of great relationships and works hard to keep them growing stronger every day.

Baseball Twins 

Denim group of "twins"

Best bro's 

Denim dress triplets

My work BFF!

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