Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Second Graders are ‘Jammin’

TenMarks is an online math program that the district is using to strengthen math knowledge and skills. It provides personalized math practice and enrichment lessons. Mrs. Rachel Manjarres, our district math coach, came into our classroom for three consecutive days last week to teach students the many features of the program.

We began by observing the areas we will start to use. The teachers put in assignments for the students following the Common Core math curriculum. If students are having difficulty, there are hints and videos to help students work through solving the problems. If a student needs more help, a targeted intervention is automatically delivered to remediate learning.

Another section has Jam Sessions where the students practice fact like problems. We investigated a jam session on the third day. Success is awarded with points earned. Students use their points in TenMarket to buy games that further reinforce math concepts. It was fun to watch the students' excitement as they scored points while 'workin' and 'jammin!' This program is a tool that will be used during our guided math groups to individualize instruction for all types of learners.

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