Friday, May 13, 2016

A Field Trip to the...JUNGLE!

Our school days are always full of excitement and adventure...but even more so on days when we go on a field trip! Today the first and second graders at Goodrich went to see the play The Jungle Book. We went to Downers Grove South High School and saw the drama club put on a magical performance! We were so impressed by the stage decor, costumes, singing and acting. 

Our students were so engaged and excited throughout the play. The actors even had some scenes that included the audience. We were able to participate by making the sound of rain with the snapping of our fingers, the cracking sound of thunder by hitting our knees, and the sound of an elephant stampede by stomping our feet!

After the performance was over, the actors met us out in the hall for a meet and greet! We were able to see the costumes and performers up close! They shook our hands, asked us what our favorite part was, and hoped that we had enjoyed the show! We had a wonderful day.

When we got back to school, we compared the play to the actual book. We filled out a new type of graphic organizer that allowed us to compare and contrast the two. The discussions and ideas were excellent. We definitely would love to go see a play again at Downers Grove South High School!

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting adventure for the children. It looks like it was a grand time!
